Sunday, November 23, 2008


What a pleasant word to write. It’s now Sunday evening. All reported was that my surgery Thursday morning went smoothly – and my recovery is progressing. Surgery took just over 5.5 hours. The last 36 hours on floor 7W have been very difficult. Hours of intense pain ticked along, the first twelve hours measured in 6 minute increments on my morphine dispenser. As each click brought relief, my eyes grew heavy and an oxygen alarm notified the nursing staff my pulse had fallen. Ooh, and the drug cocktail makes me itch all over.

Those were long hours indeed. Like falling love, reading about it this surgery and experiencing it are entirely different.

I needed to spend an extra night in the hospital to manage my pain. Here is where the good news begins. I am not wired shut, nor am I wearing any rubber bands. This enables me to mumble somewhat coherently. Also, my pain has been higher in part because so much feeling has returned to my face! My chin flutters 4/x hour. My face tingles all over. One of the surgeons thought this was super.

The daytime nurse, Lynne, and evening nurse, Brenda, made it all bearable. Their kindness blessed me immensely! Guess what? Brenda underwent the same surgery about 15 years ago. Her encouragement throughout Saturday night helped me reach “the other side”. At last, I experienced enough relief to see the end was somewhere…

We left the hospital at 12 noon today, raced 120 miles home, in order to pick up prescription pain meds in Columbia in the right liquid/dose/volume. Only one pharmacy carried liquid dilauded in 4mL. These two hours were awful. I felt as if my whole person was being shaken…every new metal screw in my jaws rattled with the road wear.

So far, I have been too concerned with pain management to worry about my new look. My precious three year old wouldn’t look at me at first, then warmed up, piling toy after toy on the bed, saying, “Here Mama, for when you feel better.” I did tear up when my precious 18 month old would not meet my eyes. I tired covering up the swollen parts, and saying her name softly, but she still looks away.

In a few days time, we’ll feel better. For now, I am glad to be home.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are recovering well , dont over do it since your home now.

Jen said...

It's great that the surgery went well and you are home. Don't worry, the kids will come around.

holski said...

You made it!

I'm sorry to hear about the pain you've experienced... Each day will get easier and easier.

Thank you for posting and letting us know how you're doing, and make sure to relax and get some rest if you can.

Katherine (Kate) said...

It is good to hear you're home and in your own bed. Will be praying that your pain gets under control.

Wow, except that it means more discomfort for you, it is amazing that you have so much feeling already...that just might be a blessing in the long run.

Your baby girl WILL realize it's still momma. Hang in there, one moment at a time *hug* :)

Anonymous said...

feel better, sweet friend. Let me know if you need anything...

mcgee33 said...

I'm glad you're home. Thanks for posting the details... sorry it's been a hard and painful recovery so far, but what a wonderful blessing to have the caring nurses there for you! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing pictures when you're feeling better! ~Elaine (new on the this site!)

Allison said...

Oh, Katherine....I am praying for you right now. I know this has to be so difficult. I am here for you if you need me:) Just shoot me an email and I will get you whatever you need! Seriously....I know you hate to ask for anything, but I am serious!