Sunday, November 16, 2008

Game on!

My doctor decided to postpone the Saturday afternoon test until lunchtime Sunday. Phew, this morning was a bit rough but I'm glad I made it. Drum hemoglobin soared to 12.3 today according to my blood work.

I chewed on ice chips in the evenings. The small pumpkin spice latte Saturday morning was a very pleasant reprieve.

The headaches and wooziness weren't THAT bad. During Sunday school this morning I joked with a friend that "water is totally overrated". Of course, at any point I could have broken down and chugged a liter. It was never a dangerous situation - my physician monitored me about every 3 hours via interview. The nadir was my constant whining to my husband, "Honey, i'm you think I could grab a little glass of...?" I would not recommend this route to someone else, but I would repeat it if necessary.

Tomorrow I chat with the OS.

1 comment:

Katherine (Kate) said...

Sometimes you do what you've got to do, right? Chances are pretty good, were we in your shoes and the option presented intelf, we'd be doing the same thing :)

Glad those numbers are up!