Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Surgery postponed due to anemia

My surgeon call me just as I was on my way to have my surgical lugs put on. Last week's blood work revealed my iron is at 11.5 g, and it should be at least 12-13 before surgery. I am disappointed more than I can describe. So many details have been planned. I'm sorting out how to rearrange the pieces.

So, the current plan? I'll take iron supplements 3x/ day and have my blood checked monthly. As soon as we see progressive improvements, I can reschedule a surgery date.

Last night, as I lay awake late into the night, I drafted a lovely post about the fabulous evening I spent with dear friends, how they loved on me, prayed with me, prayed for me, how they filled my freezer with meals. My pastoral minister even called me to pray. Oh, I felt the arms of God wrapped around me as real as anyone. I felt safe. I felt ready for Thursday.

There is so much to be thankful for...I hope in a few days time my sadness and anger will depart and I can re-grasp a sense of peace.


Stephanie said...

I am so sorry Katherine! I can't imagine, after waiting so long and all the preparations, having to "reschedule" without actually being able to pencil in a date. On the other hand, it is good they check everything before our surgery date, because we need to be as strong and healthy as possible to recover from this surgery, but wouldn't it make sense to check for some of these things a couple of months before hand so they can be corrected in time? Again I am so sorry ... I wish there was something I could say to make it better. Hang in there, it sounds like you have wonderful and caring friends that will be by your side whenever your surgery date is.

Katherine (Kate) said...

I'm with Stephanie on the "WHY don't they check these things sooner?!" page, though that helps you precious little at this stage.

I am so incredibly sorry that you have to face this setback, Katherine, and will be praying for patience while the iron gets up to snuff, and for all to once again work itself out timing-wise with the other plans involved in your family's life.

One day at a time :)

Gigi said...
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Katherine (Kate) said...

Just stopping by to let you know I'm thinking of and praying for you, Katherine. For health, peace, strength and 'timing'.
Take good care *hug*

laura said...

Argh! That's so frustrating! What a pain to have it all come screeching to a halt at the last minute.

My levels are about the same as yours - 11.5 hemoglobin and 37 hematocrit (I was surprised because I've been taking extra iron for about a month) - so they had me donate a unit of blood for an autologous transfusion of red blood cells during surgery if it's needed.

It takes a couple of weeks to regenerate that blood, and then you're meant to be good to go. Perhaps they'd consider doing that with you instead of the monthly testing thing.

As gigi said, one day this will all be a distant memory. We'll forget about all the trouble leading up to the surgery and just enjoy the results. That's what I keep telling myself anyway ;)