Saturday, October 25, 2008

new surgery date

Well, I am feeling MUCH better. A hearty thank you to those of y'all that left me a note, and to my good buddies that called with well wishes. It does make a difference. ;)
My new date is November 20th. My extended family has been pretty understanding. The iron pills aren't too bad. The funniest aspect of carrying around pills is how often my little one pulls them out of our diaper bag, shakes 'em loudly, and then hurls them on the floor. Nothing like throwing around prescription meds to get everyone's attention!

Other ortho news? I visited my OD this week, too. We're going to make a few minor adjustments on my lower teeth. I am actually eager for a power chain - my lowers feel like they're trying to fall out of my mouth.

So, I am back at the gym, finishing up projects, reading about orthognathic adventures, and enjoying my favorite month here in Carolina. It's finally sweater weather.

On my darkest day of the Katherine-decides-to-have-a-pity-party, I glanced at my Bible on the bedside. I knew it would bring me comfort, yet I resisted opening it. My bookmark opened to a passage I had been reading a few days prior. There was the familiar Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make straight your paths."

Then I continued to the next few verses...including verse 7:

"It will be healing to your bones and refreshment to your flesh".

how appropriate!


Katherine (Kate) said...

Oh, so happy to hear that all is (once again) falling into some semblance of a game plan, and that you've got that mark on your calendar to anticipate.

Will be thinking of you lots in the weeks to come :)

Million Dollar $mile said...

I'll be praying for you. There is a reason it was post-poned and it will all make sense later. God's got you. I'm excited for you to join the other side. I'm one week post-op today! I had the same procedures you will be having. Can't wait till the swelling is down enough to feel like I can see a difference.