Saturday, September 27, 2008

1, 2, 3, jump!

This has been a good week for my teeth. I saw my OD, who adjusted some upper wires, I think, to further pop out my front 2 teeth. He also crimped the lower wires on a back molar to help push it into proper place.

Each night around 3 am I have awoken to dental pain, and though not fierce enough to warrant pain meds, it is a constant ache.

In general, I'm a long term thinker, some might argue to the point of dysfunction. When my doubts plague much of my waking moments, it can be hard to remember that distant picture of health. At my last appintment, when I saw how well my molds fit together I almost cried. It was a tangible reminder that this difficult journey is all worth it. Yeah for molds!

Other good news to share? I chatted with my surgeon on Friday. He arranged to import my digital profile into the Dolphin software. We'll review it together at my pre-op appt on Oct 6th. I doubt I can put into words how amusing this discussion was. Here is my surgeon, giving me instructions for emailing him a photograph. It's just my face. I'm no beauty queen, it's totally legit, and I am an ultra-conservative kind a gal, but let's just say it was awkward.
Thank you Dr. C for accommodting my request.

I am really starting to grow excited about surgery. Finally! I feel some pressure to complete all those projects I assigned myself in August (what was I thinking?!), though no one but me will really notice. Also, the volunteer work I do has kicked into gear, and I'm finding it difficult to relinquish control over projects I've nurtured for a few months. It's been another opportunity to "die to self", that is, to let go of my prideful ambitions. It's easy to write that last sentence but terribly difficult to live it.

To close this post, I want to share an anecdote. My husband is the love of my I asked him if he wants me to freeze some meals in advance. You know to help him while he nurses me and cares for our very active children. He said, "Nah, don't worry, you won't be able to eat much, and the children don't eat that much, I'll be fine, thanks." Now, my spouse is the sweetest, most noble, loving husband a girl could pray for, but I gave him one of "those looks". A look that said, "I don't care if you feed our toddlers pb&j for 2 weeks, but I will need F-O-O-D!"

Next week I am connecting with my inner Julia Child & our extra freezer. A girl has got to eat.

1 comment:

holski said...

Glad to hear you are getting excited about surgery. =) I am getting excited for you!