Tuesday, September 16, 2008

more tweaks

A quick post to journal about my adjustment:

I am SO glad I scheduled an extra appointment with the OD. Today's 10 minute power chain exchange morphed into a 90 minute wire-bending party. Everything took so much longer than any of us had anticipated. I dashed out of the office at one point, retrieved my youngest toddler from a friend's house ( thank you dear Laura), and then sat her down in the chair with me for the last 30 minutes. The office staff absolutely dotted on my sweet Buttercup. Phew, my morning was completely shot, but at least my teeth are once again on the move.

Both steel wires were removed. New bends and such, new power chain, and a special something or other was added to widen my lower arch as much as is possible. It's painful but bearable. My OD also took a set of molds - and I may go in again next week for more tweaking.

I don't really understand why two weeks ago, the office was like, yeah, we'll see you in 5 weeks for your hooks, and now they are moving so much it translates to 1 appt a week. Oh, well.

At this point, I am ready for the whole orthodontic process to be over. That said, I'm not interested in postponing surgery. I'd rather wear braces for a year while pregnant than postpone that 3rd baby another six months....SweetPea needs another playmate to help her eat all that chocolate frosting. :)

It's also time I stop putting so much thought into my teeth. In the end, I'll become dust again no matter how perfect my bite is!

I am proud of my homemade birthday cake. I used a recipe from my grandmother's old Fannie Farmer cook book. It's a classic, with a torn binding and food spots throughout! SweetPea helped with each step, and based on the mess we created, I think she truly enjoyed her birthday.

My feelings are mixed. Today, I am once again apprehensive about surgery. After months of this self-focused jaw study, the good news, it that all I need to feel better is a glance at a bad picture. This one shows how my recessed chin follows me everywhere. Ha ha... I am immensely thankful that there is a re-/solution in the near future.


Dragon (Karen) said...

Wow that was a huge ortho appointment. Great that your teeth are responding and getting ready for surgery!

The cake you baked looks great. My hubby and I used to enjoy making our kids special cakes for their birthdays. ... those were the days!

All the best with your continuing progress.

laura said...

I knoooow what you mean about the jaw following you everywhere. I have some awful recessed jaw photos.

My mum used to make special cakes for my first few birthdays (I remember 4th and 5th anyway). They really meant a lot to me - I still remember exactly what they looked like (or I think I do lol).