Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dentofacial deformities

taken from Correction of dentofacial deformities with orthognathic surgery: Outcome of treatment with special reference to costs, benefits and risks by Karin Panula

"2.3.1. Psychosocial profiles of patients and their expectations regarding orthognathic surgery

Orthognathic surgery is a complex process leading to changes in the appearance and functions of the dentofacial structures, including respiration, swallowing, speech and mastication. These alterations take place in a single moment during the operation in contrast to the traditional orthodontics in children, which produces small, gradual changes during growth. Thus, orthognathic surgery may seriously challenge the patient's capacity to adapt. This adaptation may be easier if the psychosocial indications and implications are thoroughly evaluated prior to any treatment and also during the presurgical phase. "

I have been talking up my forthcoming surgery to just about everyone I see. It's been theraputic, kinda, though I think my need to tell everyone is to control how they'll react to my new face. Perhaps the new me will not look that different. And then everyone will really think I am crazy!

Besides the physical aspects of jaw surgery, this quote often comes to mind when I perceive an expression that says, "So, what's the big deal? Why are you talking about that jaw stuff again?"

No one has actually said this to me. :)

Certainly, this journey has given me more compassion for others in a state of waiting. My single friends, who long to be married, must grow weary of the "you dating anyone?"question. My childless friends, who long to care for children, must grow weary of the "are you getting any help?" questions. We all have some needy area in our lives. My hope this week is that when I find myself wallowing in self pity (which, trust me, I can do with the best of 'em!) I will seek true comfort...and be open to provide comfort to others.

1 comment:

Katherine (Kate) said...

Very interesting, especially as I've been pondering much along the same lines. I just mentioned to the hubby that I wouldn't mind "seeing someone" to discuss the normal progression of coming to terms with a different face. Someone impartial.

Aside from more immediate family and a couple of good friends when I first made the decision to choose this path, except for cracking the odd joke I don't really talk about it much at all. Husband and bloggers are about it! I'm glad you're finding it theraputic...I'm too worried that nobody really gives 2 sh*ts and don't want them to pretend otherwise. Not neccessarily rational or fair; Yes, I've sensed the "what's the big deal" expression, and HATED it: I'd rather nip any rejection in the bud :)

I think your talking about it is WAY healthier!

I think I've been rather wrapped up in my own head, so thanks for the reminder of things that many others wait for, and often through no choice of their own. It does put things in perspective.

Thank you for that. :)