Tuesday, July 15, 2008

an Afrin high and other news

My, my. I feel very content right now. My 2.5 year old and I met with a great ENT this afternoon. It was very good news all around. The best news is that my precious daughter received a clean bill of health. I am soooo grateful! I was concerned she is becoming a mouth breather, and while he didn't argue with my observations, he confirmed that there is no medical reason for her to do so. Yeah! We're encouraged to monitor her eating/drinking, to see if she can chew with her lips closed, and to keep an eye on any halitosis developing.

He said my mouth breathing is probably due to my inflamed turbinates, large tonsils, and a deviated septum....but that at this time he does rec'd surgery to fix any of these. I am going to try some a steroid nasal spray and see what it does. Boy, the Afrin he sprayed to see up my nose r-e-a-l-l-y opened things up. I am still taking deep nasal breaths several hours later! This is the "breathing high" that my yoga/weights instructor has been talking about. :)

Guess what else I observed in the waiting room? (Since we waited for over an hour, I had plenty of time to people watch while I distracted my toddler.) More than half the people had underdeveloped lower jaws. Is that not crazy?!

The ENT is a close family friend, in fact his daughter is babysitting for me tomorrow while my husband and I drive to Charleston for the big pre -op work up, which meant that I felt completely comfortable today. So, when he offered that he thought jaw surgery would improve my breathing, and that in his medical opinion it was the right thing to do, I was ELATED. He thinks moving my lower jaw forward will help move my tongue forward as well. Hmm. Is my ortho going to like that I wonder?

Oooo, I am almost giddy with thoughts of tomorrow. In my mind, it's a make it or break it appt. If I still feel uncomfortable with the surgeons, then I am sooo finding another doctor! I'll try to make a rational decision, of course, but that's is my 100% emotional conclusion. :)

1 comment:

holski said...

I am so glad you are feeling better about everything. Good luck at your appointment and don't forget to give us all the details when you get home!