I finally purchased a new camera. With our new gadget in hand, our family has been snapping photos everywhere...here are a few of my pearly whites and my sweet daughters.

The first week or so was painful as my teeth settled. Wearing my retainer brought unexpected discomfort around my upper jaw, but only where I have metal screws holding the maxilla in place. I admit to freaking out a bit about this...my right jaw joint is making frequent grinding and clicking noises - NOT what I wanted to hear after undergoing jaw surgery - but until I deliver our baby I am unable to have an x-ray to examine the cause. Thankfully, the pain receded along with a cold...so perhaps it was only sinus pressure? Not really sure.
Right now, I am trying to enjoy the freedom from crazy elastic configurations and not focus on the minor imperfections I see. Honestly, this is difficult after almost two years of orthodontic mania.
These photographs remind me that my daughters won't remember if my teeth have small calcium deposits on them...or if my gums are still puffy pink...they'll remember the love and joy and security of growing up in a our family.
I am immensely thankful to enjoy the benefits of braces....
- "To God be the glory, great things he had done!
- So loved he the world that he gave us his son,
- Who yielded his life an atonement for sin,
- And opened the life-gat that we may in. "