I have not had much orthodontic news to share recently. My OD is trying various rubber band configurations to "settle my bite". Neither of us expected it to take this long, though I admit some compliance issues. :) My current zig zig pattern is so tight I cannot eat/speak well when they're in, which shouldn't be a problem except for the 1st trimester when I was vomiting frequently, and now the 3rd trimester when I am snacking frequently.
The extra metal hooks for bands irritate my gums. My waterpik has been wonderful, helping me keep the pink puffies to a minimum.
When the bands are in, the general tooth achiness reminds they ARE working. I pray these pearly whites settle soon. Wouldn't it be lovely if the braces came off before le bebe arrives in October?
Eight months post op - a little update
I LOVE that jaw surgery no longer occupies every waking thought! That, my friends, is awesome! I LOVE having my lips come together when face is relaxed. I feel more composed, elegant even, knowing my mouth is not hanging open. I love how broad my smile is.
My new smile continues to grow on me. I no longer expect to see the old smile & profile in the mirror. The changes to my nose are more difficult to accept. It's like the nose widened where the screws were inserted, on the side along my bridge, and above both upper canines. Some days I actually long for the old nose. Which surprises me, I didn't think I'd still be wasting energy that way.
My smile continues to relax despite the lingering numbness on my chin and lower lip. My husband and sweet children are benefiting from my improved kissing, too! Honestly, it is not the same as before surgery but it is sooooo much improved, and for that I am thankful.
...I hope to upload some better "Before & After" photographs soon....
I think you're looking gorgeous! Beautiful smile + pregnancy glow = just lovely. Glad to hear you're almost entirely recovered.
Thanks for this posting! I too had upper jaw surgery for a gummy smile. I am 6 months post op and am struggling with the look of my new face. My nose is wider, more upturned and my cheeks got bigger. My doctor didn't inform me that this could happen and I wasn't prepared. My family thinks I am crazy for now thinking I need rhinoplasty. Sometimes I think I traded my gummy smile for a wide nose. I just want to feel pretty again. People don't realize how emotional it is to see your face change. Did your orthongnathic surgeon say that your nose could be fixed? I don't really see the differences in your nose in your pics, but you know your own face.
Congrats on your baby!
My friend also had her braces when she was pregnant. Good thing her Scottsdale dentists are very accommodating and understanding about her condition. She had been experiencing pain, but due to her condition they also set aside the use of sedation. Dentistry Phoenix-based) also had the same opinion regarding the use of sedation.
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