Sunday, March 8, 2009

where's photoshop when I need it?

I have been thoroughly enjoying the Photography lessons over on Pioneer Woman. That woman does amazing things with her camera. Her bridal portrait post reveals how to make one's skin glow...which my skin does not do in the natural light. It used to glow, but I once I reached age 8 or 9, it started to show signs of aging.

Please pretend I am wearing my Chantecaille foundation, which I would have, but my zany 3 year old decided to "play dress up" with it, and let's just say my toiletry budget does not include Chantecaille purchases, at all, during 2009.

Anyway, I snapped these shots at the Target parking lot yesterday hoping to update my smirky photo. I'm not sure they're any better. Perhaps resting camera on the dashboard is not the best way to take a picture?

I am now resigned that one cheek is fuller than the other, surgery or no surgery. It matches my bigger eye on that side, and now that I think about it, my bigger bosom and my bigger foot. As feeling has returned across my chin and lips, it has moved from right to left (reverse for photos, please). The left side of my smile still sags a bit too. Some days I am more self-conscious of this than others. Sometimes, I manage to concentrate on that little facial muscle and really work it wide open. It's better, but not yet where I hope it to be. Come on optimism...hang in there with me.

Interestingly, profile shots reveal that I still subconsciously lift my chin higher than necessary. Ironic how my lack of confidence can look like arrogance. Hmmm. Years of posturing is a difficult habit to break.

Besides the awesome improvements in breathing, o-surgery did erase a few laugh lines. Ooh, and check out those centered midlines. Sweet!

1 comment:

Usman Iqbal said...

Amazing information! also check out clear aligners