Thursday, June 19, 2008

results from my adjustment

(from Tuesday)
Had a great visit to the ortho this week. We were going to take molds this week, but decided to wait for my gaps to finish closing. It was heavenly to brush and floss without wires! I was making so many noises of joy that the 8-yr brushing next to me gave me a strange look. Who knew getting gunk out from between my back molar bands could bring such happiness?

My next appointment is July 9th, right after a family vacation. The ortho will take molds and we'll set a surgery date.

I kept the same wires but they ortho added a metal twist under my two front teeth to help bring them out. Great news. These teeth did not move much at all over the last month.

Wednesday - my teeth have ached for almost 48 hours now. No more wight loss, though, since I remembered how comforting cookie dough can be! I remind myself that each bolt of pain is progress. The constant discomfort definitly makes me less patient with my small children. Poor dears.

Addendum - This morning, my surgeon called and I have a date. Woo hoo! I am growing more nervous as the day passes, but I am thrilled. I'll go down to Charleston (100 miles away) on July 16th to have surgical molds taken, and then the big show is set for August 26th. So many family decisions are depending on having a date set - a giant hug of appreciation to my husband for his patience in all this. With dates in hand I can begin arranging for child care.


holski said...

Congratulations on getting your date Katherine! It's right around the corner. So exciting! =)

I hope someone will be posting on your behalf. You know we'll all be waiting impatiently!

Katherine (Kate) said...

Things are definately falling right into place for you! (And exciting, pain & all, to finally see results with that bottom gap, eh?)

So happy everything is coming together for you ~and it will be incredible how quickly the summer will fly now that dates are being assigned.

Have a wonderful time away with your family :)

Michelle said...

Hi Kathering, I bumped into your blog looking for the other Katherine "above". Well as tired as I was or shall I say am, given that it is 1:30 am and I just got done with 8 hrs at work and then 6 hrs at the ballpark concession stand....I still was fully into reading thru your blog. Im glad you made it thru the tough decision period....should I do it...everyone thinks Im this the right thing...etc. I too went thru the same thing and I thank God that I had the willpower to see past what everyone else thought I should do....and just do what I thought was best. I didnt have the pain or headaches...etc. I just really wanted to do it for ME! I have always been self-conscious about my teeth and just wanted to improve my smile. I heard the whole gammit. Anyway...enough about me, I really enjoyed your blog, your children are beautiful and Im excited for you to be planning another, that is great. Sounds like you are indeed one blessed family! I have 3 children (16,14 and 4) and I am currently sporting braces along with my 16 year is fun going to visits together. Well..I t hink it is that time to hit the bed...god luck with your surgery, I will follow you thru. God Bless!