Thursday, August 7, 2008

random thoughts

It's raining and thundering right now, dinner is on the stove, my children are hanging out with my husband while I catch a few minutes rest. It's been a busy day, a good day - I must be nesting in prep for surgery b/c I actually got excited cleaning today - even the baseboards and door frames sparkle.

For some reason, though, I feel insecure today about the whole surgery experience. Could it just be pms? :)

I've been daydreaming about changing surgeons, and returning to the swanky private practice in NC. Dr. T was amazing, and everyone has heard of him, but no one really knows my surgeon in SC. I know I have been through all these thoughts before. Perhaps it's time to call my surgeon for some reassurance. You know, at least share my concerns, etc. He's pretty cool.

I had a 20 minute og/gyn surgery two weeks ago and that alone has sent 11 separate bills for anesthesia charges. Though it's all to be covered by my insurance...cannot imagine how complicated jaw surgery will be.

It's is soooo good to have a place to jot down my concerns. I can tell my friends are already WAY BORED with jaw surgery stuff, and the fun hasn't really begun yet.

1 comment:

holski said...

You are very right. Still so much more to come... It's going to be great though!

Feeling insecure about the whole experience is all very normal I think. It's how I felt anyway.

I also clean when I am preparing for something big like this. Looking back, I didn't really need to. Except for wash cloths. Make sure to have a surplus of clean washcloths! Dinner was all over my face.

Thank you for your comments on my blog by the way. =) I am so happy to have your support. It means a great deal.