Friday, August 8, 2008

committment to loveliness

I have enjoyed reading Emma's posts, and so am adding some loveliness to our little household. My talents do not lie in the creative realm, but, my, how I have relished an outlet for homemaking crafts. Here is what I've been working on in July:
  1. my first sewing project --reversible sister dresses - the tortoise shell buttons SO make the dress!

  2. adding a fancy trim (discovered at $2/yd!!!!!) to our powder room shower curtain - I love how the trim ties the damask paper and silk fabric together

  3. decorating the wall murals in our playroom with construction paper and elmer's
My next goal is to jazz up our den with some fancy pillows. It has only taken 14 library books, 6 trips to fabric stores, and my collection House Beautiful and Southern Accents mags to get started! Postponing my surgery date has had some benefits. :)


Kam said...

Hey! Thanks for the comment!

Cute dress!! I've been thinking of starting up some crafty projects, too. Trying to make the time pass a little faster. :)

Gigi said...

Sorry so slow to comment- just catching up on some ortho blogs. My daughter has BSSO and genio 2 years ago, but I still try to stay connected, as my son has similar issues and may need surgery in a few years.
Anyway, I read this post and just had to link you up with the Nester, she's wonderful and so talented, go back and read her blog from the beginning. You'll get so many ideas, and there are so many other blogs that you'll discover through hers for decorating ideas.