Thursday, May 29, 2008

Good news to report

Several positive developments over the last week have really cheered me up.
First, I finally have my powerchains in place. Hopefully, these will close the gaps in my lower teeth. The first 4-5 days were uncomfortable but manageable. Because my lower jaw is asymmetrical, I think the tooth that is in the center of the jaw serves a fulcrum. Most days it feels like the tooth is falling out of my mouth. Strange. Can you see the midlines in this pic? I think they're improving slightly. My two center upper teeth are unfolding also, broadening my smile. All in all positive steps forward!

Second, I spoke with the chief resident down in Charleston. It took 6 calls with messages before a real nurse manager came on the line. When I explained all I wanted was to know the "next steps", she put the resident on the line. I was thrilled to hear Dr. C's voice. He confirmed that his office had wisely copied all my files during that initial visit in April, so the ball is in their court. Dr. C is super nice. When on the verge of tears I told him I'd gladly trade some IQ points for a normal jaw, he chuckled and offered some much needed encouragement. :) I feel better about having him assist Dr.T.
Drum roll please.......the big news is Dr.C gave me a tentative date for mid-to-late August!
This may be pushed back - it seems like my teeth are creeping along - but having a date allowed me to finalize some summer plans. Yes to one family trip; no to the other. Knowing I have at least 12 more weeks to surgery has motivated me to make some other summer arrangements. I found a wonderful woman to care for my children one day a week. In turn, this means I can follow through on some much-anticipated projects! I have enrolled in a smocking class and a beginners' sewing dress construction class. Also, I have set aside time to finish some genealogy research.
Third, we spent the weekend down on the coast, at my favorite place in the world. Many happy childhood memories flooded my thoughts. To share this place with my own children and some good friends was just marvelous! The view from the front porch is amazing.

Fourth, my children have been especially well-behaved. My toddler has taken to imitating her music teacher (she attended a little mother's morning out program this past year). It is adorable! "Sweetpea" lines up her chairs, sets a doll in each one, and then begins reading and singing to them. Little sister "Buttercup" plays along rather nicely. My husband snapped this pic of us one afternoon as I reviewed animal sounds with the baby. Aren't the two little heads adorable?

Fifth, yesterday was a super day all around. It began with a visit to the dentist for a 3 month cleaning. Praise God for another healthy checkup! The dentist power washed my teeth using a baking soda spray. It turns out my dentist Dr. Kevin studied with Dr. T in dental school. Lots of good discussion yesterday on post-surgery hygiene. My teeth felt lovely all afternoon. I followed that appointment by a much needed haircut. After an inspirational trip to the grocery store, my family enjoyed their first three-course meal in sometime. The evening ended with a sweet coffee date with a good friend. Are you reading this MB? :) Her affectionate humor and sensitive questions wrapped me up like a giant hug. :) Thank you MB!


Michelle said...

You sound much more at peace and happier today than you have sounded in a little while. It's like a weight has been lifted off of you. I am so happy to hear that things are looking up in the Ortho. dept. I know how those decisions can weigh very heavily on you.
It's also good to hear you had a great weekend enjoying family and friends, good for you!
Beautiful pictures!!
Take care and enjoy the time you have this summer before your surgery.

Katherine (Kate) said...

Hooray for feeling progress and definately reassuring to hear encouragement from your OS. Huge sign of relief on that front, no doubt. I gather you've settled on which office is doing your procedure... :)

Did you have to put the safety glasses on for the power-washing?? I love that stuff! 1. You can envision hidden 'stuff' being blasted to kingdom come, feeling so squeeky clean & 2. Found it way less irritating than the polisher grinding away. 3. I rather like the taste of it, like a minty salt-lick ~Mooooo!

Have fun with your summer projects; I'm a big believer that every mom needs some time for "me"....makes us better care-givers (this is just MY opinion ;) ). Good for you!