Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Things are moving - 3 months in braces

Waiting continues to be challenging. I needed some encouragement this past week, so I reviewed my teeth photos. Golly, it is fantastic to see my smile changing.

Here is my initial smile in late January & now in late April:

Here are my upper arches:

Here are my lower arches:

Lastly, here is a view of my bite:

In some ways, having braces is no big deal. Most of our family activities have continued unchanged. Friends no longer comment on them and most strangers ignore them. At other times, I am constantly aware of my braces. Every sip of coffee and bite of curry - note the yellow staining in my recent pics - is a calculated action.

Braces have revealed (to me at least) my own vanity. I'm thrilled to be fixing my teeth, but in a strange way, changing one attribute has made me acutely aware of other attributes. Attributes I'm not going to change, such as the shape of my nose, or my hair texture, or how different 30 feels from 20. In general, I feel better than I did 10 years ago but sometimes I think I'm way too self-critical.


Katherine (Kate) said...

Isn't it amazing to see how much things change in a (relatively) short period of time? It IS encouraging to see! Love seeing that progress...your arches are rounding out wonderfully :)

holski said...

Hi Katherine,
It's great to meet you! Thank you for your message on my blog. Your teeth are looking fantastic! I remember seeing the same changes in mine and it's such a wonderful feeling.

Thank you for your recommendation of the parachute book. I read it couple years ago and it was quite helpful. I guess I still needed "professional help"! hehe.

You asked me how/when I came to a decision about jaw surgery? Well... I went about 18 years without really understanding that something was wrong. Thinking about it, kind of makes me a little sad (and disappointed in my childhood dentist!). So, about 8 years I started having some pain, clicking, popping, grinding, you know the deal. I started doing some research and figured out exactly what needed to be done. Unfortunately, not a lot of the info on the net was very positive and I was very scared to go through with it. About 3 years ago, I talked to my dentist, who said the procedure is very common and safe and the risks were small. I had her refer me to an orthodontist that day and the rest is history. 2 weeks and 6 days til surgery. Keep reading for updates! Having ortho buddies has made all of this so much easier.

stephanie said...

What amazing changes! Congratulations - your teeth are looking great :)